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Thumbprint Signature Program Overview

Fight check fraud by joining SDBA's Thumbprint Signature Program. When non-account holders ask to cash checks, request the standard I.D. forms plus impress their thumbprints on the checks. The procedure is quick, simple and clean.
Why do we offer this?
Despite current day technology, check fraud costs Americans billions of dollars each year. According to a 2009 Fraud Survey conducted by the American Bankers Association, check-related losses amounted to an estimated $1.024 billion in 2008, up slightly from the $969 million in 2006.
In an effort to combat this crime, the South Dakota Bankers Association offers the Thumbprint Signature Program to banks and retailers across the state. This program, developed by the Texas Bankers Association in 1995 provides a low tech, low-cost and effective method for preventing and deterring check fraud. Customers are asked to place an impression of their thumbprint on the face of the check. A small inkless touch pad facilitates the process, and leaves no stain or residue on users or clothing.
The program works as a natural fraud deterrent. Criminals seeking to commit check fraud are unlikely to put their thumbprint on bogus checks and if so they leave a positive I.D. that can be turned over to law enforcement agencies. The Thumbprint Signature Program is now in its 15th year and is used by bankers and retailers, county clerk and attorney offices across the nation. For more information about how you can use the Thumbprint Signature Program to reduce check fraud, please contact Natalie Likness.
To order, download the order form and submit it via fax or email: