Overview | Information | Procedures | Customer Notification | Thumbprint FAQs

Thumbprint Signature Program Customer Notification

Suggestions to notify your customers

Proper customer notification will aid in the implementation of the Thumbprint Signature program. Below are a few suggestions on informing all customers of your participation in the program:
  • Post announcements and program identification materials in all branches, including drive-through windows, several weeks prior to implementation of Thumbprint Signature program. 
  • Hand out print material explaining the Thumbprint Signature program to all non-account holding customers cashing checks several weeks prior to implementation.
  • Place print material explaining the Thumbprint Signature program in the bank’s lobby for customers to take with them.
  • Send a press release to your local media announcing the bank’s involvement in the Thumbprint Signature program.
  • Contact business/commercial customers that may have concerns or questions about the Thumbprint Signature program. Include brochure for them to distribute to their employees.


Contact Halley Lee to order any of these products.

Window Displays

Post these 6x3-inch "tent-style" display signs at your teller windows as an additional reminder that you participate in the program. Available in English and Spanish.


Post decals at all entrances to let people know you are participating in the program and to warn potential criminals that their crimes will not go undetected.


These 3.5” x 7.5” brochures explain the mechanics of the program. Banks should use them as a public service announcement to all account holders and have plenty available for anyone who might have questions about the program. Sold in increments of 500, 1000 or 5000.