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Demystifying Crypto Webinar
Monday, May 09, 2022, 2:00 PM to Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 11:30 AM CST
Category: SDBA Events

Demystifying Crypto Webinar

May 9-10, 2022
Virtual via Zoom

Register Online | Print Details & Registration Form

Webinar Description 

Bitcoin, Crypto, Blockchain, NFTs… In the last few years, these words and concepts went from discussions had on the fringe to common, everyday conversations. Join us on May 9th and 10th as we turn to our distinguished panel of experts to help demystify the latest information surrounding the future of money and help financial services professionals navigate this new reality.

Registration Fee

Member fee: $275

Non-Member fee: $425

Session Descriptions

Crypto 101: Finding Signal Amongst the Noise
Michael Felch, Data Analytics Consultant | Eide Bailly - Fargo, ND

Since the revolutionary discovery of Bitcoin, there has been the proverbial gold rush within the digital ecosystem to create a cryptocurrency with as much success. Given the proliferation of new coins & ideas, it has become difficult for the average person to discern the differences unless one is immersed in the space nearly full time. This session seeks to illuminate so that individuals can find signal amongst the noise. We'll cover the variety of digital assets that exist, their purpose, and their subsequent trends.

Risk Management Considerations
Bret Afdahl, Director | Division of Banking – Pierre, SD

Whether a bank intends to offer products or services related to crypto and digital assets directly or through a third party, it is critically important to have an effective risk management process in place to facilitate a comprehensive risk assessment process, ongoing oversight and due diligence related to third party vendors. Products and services in this space change rapidly and having a strong risk management process in place from the beginning will help with ongoing decision making and oversight.

Digital Assets and Bank Participation
Brooke Ybarra, Vice President, Innovation Strategy | ABA - Washington, DC

In this session we’ll provide a framework for understanding how banks are engaging in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and review key issues impacting their decision-making process around digital assets.

Digital Assets and the Law: What Banks Need to Know
Tracy A. Kennedy, Partner at Zimney Foster P.C., NDBA General Counsel | Grand Forks, ND

Learn how state laws and regulations are changing to adapt to digital assets and what bankers need to know when dealing with blockchain technology and digital assets. 

Cryptocurrency: How to Make Compliance Less Cryptic
Kristina Schaefer, Chief Risk Officer, General Counsel | First Bank & Trust - Sioux Falls, SD

While the regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrency is still evolving, Kristina will discuss several compliance considerations for banks, whether the bank is considering taking an active role in the cryptocurrency landscape, or simply may have customers who may be involved with cryptocurrency.

Digital Assets, Web3 and the Ever-Increasing Pace of Change
Sultan Meghji, Former Chief Innovation Officer | FDIC – Washington, DC

Sultan will be speaking about the pace of technology change; especially in the areas of web3, cybersecurity, AI and quantum. He will also discuss how his recent experience being the first chief innovation officer at the FDIC now colors his views of the best ways for banks to lean into these required innovations.

Wrap Up
Karl Adam, President | SDBA - Pierre, SD

Join Karl Adam, our emcee for the session, as we wrap up and take Q&A from our presenters and participants.


May 9 - 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. CDT

May 10 - 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. CDT

Virtual Information

The Zoom link will be sent to registrants via email on Friday, May 6.